Mercury Jazz Jam feat. Verena Fuentes
Mercury Cafe - Jungle Room 2199 California St., Denver, Colorado, United StatesSign up to play with the host at 6, or any time during the Jam!
Sign up to play with the host at 6, or any time during the Jam!
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Kult Classic & BandWagon Presents: Deep October, Thornskin, Safe Sin, Yung Kell, Nidia7:00 Doors | 8:00 Showtime | All Responsible Ages Permitted | Bar 21+ with IDJoin the Facebook event: […]
Accomplished musician Sam Amable accompanies your dining experience in the Rose Room. Please tip generously!
Sign up for the open mic when the Jazz Jam ends at 9 pm! - ish
BandWagon Presents: Liars Handshake, Lions & Crows, Blood Across The Sky, Bleed The Vain7:00 Doors | 8:00 ShowtimeJoin Facebook Event: HERE